Editing Trips and Trip Timeline Events

To edit a Trip you have previously created, locate your trip and click the ellipsis
(Click on a pic to make it full size)

Click on the edit icon

To change the main Trip picture, click on the delete button and then browse for a new picture 

To change any other Trip info just change the text or dropdown and click the "Save Trip" button 

To edit a picture in a Trip timeline, click on the ellipsis 

Click on the edit icon

All text is editable. Note: you can't edit the time or change the picture. If you need to do this then delete the picture event and add a new one to the Trip timeline 

Click on "Save Event" to modify you picture data 

To edit a hotel or restaurant click on the ellipsis 

Click on the Edit icon

All text and dropdowns are editable. Pictures are not. If you need different pictures, delete the hotel event and make a new one with the correct pictures